Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Industry: Anthracite Mining: Processed Anthracite (PCU2121132121133) from Dec 1979 to Feb 2020 about anthracite, processed, mining, PPI, industry, inflation, price index, price, indexes, and USA. In the same month, steel producers in the southern region hiked prices three times. Prices of steel products in the region currently range from VNĐ12.4 million per tonne to VNĐ12.7 million per tonne. According to VSA, steel scrap is being imported at $350-354 per tonne, $40 higher than the price one month ago. Inflation and CPI Consumer Price Index 1960-1969 The 1960’s was an age of possibility, in April of 1961 the Soviet Union put the first man in space and in May of 1961 President Kennedy set the goal of putting the first man on the moon by the end of the decade.